Art Card Auctions starting at $1, all ORIGINALS.

Friday, February 12, 2016

D-Composition Notebook #3

D-Composition Notebook #3

This is #3 in my new series of notebooks. I used to paint these directly onto the notebooks but I learned that most people saved them instead of writing or drawing in them as they're meant to be used. If you're one of those types, then here's finally something you can write in with impunity. 

Blank Journal Cover Art by Jack Larson

D-Composition Notebook #3
Blank Journal
Original Cover Art by Jack Larson
200 Lined Pages

Thursday, February 11, 2016


"Deluge #4" I blackened the sky with a sharpie marker 

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Zombie and Cat Art Coloring Book

My GOAL is to produce a 30 page coloring book based off of my Unicursal Skeleton and Unicursal Cat Designs.

Half the coloring book will be Skeletons and Skulls, the other half will be Cats. Collectors of my art are familiar with both of these designs.

The project will take two weeks to complete and I am raising money so I can afford to take the time off my regular painting schedule.

All supporters that contribute $10 will recieve a coloring book and color-pencils. I will also be producing a Color Poster based on the cover art for donors of $20, to be included with the book and pencils.

I will begin the production on Februrary 14th and will have the final product shipped on March 1st. The final product will also be listed on the Amazon marketplace.

The reason I want to crowdfund this project is that it will enable me to purchase the first 50 copies in bulk which will keep costs down and enable me to bundle each book with a set of color-pencils.

Every contributor who invests $10 into this will get a book and a box of color-pencils. This inclues shipping and handling and the copies will be signed on the inside cover by the artist (me).


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